Home EventsPrayer Gathering Prayer for Brazil

Prayer for Brazil

by Emie Molo
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Weeks of deadly floods triggered by record-smashing rainfall have left parts of southern Brazil in disaster. More than 30 inches of rain (750 mm) fell on parts of the state in two and a half weeks from the end of April.

Roads have been destroyed, bridges knocked out and the main airport, in the capital city of Porto Alegre, is indefinitely closed. More than 460 state municipalities, out of a total of 497, have been hit.

The disaster has also taken a massive human toll. According to provisional data, more than 150 people died and about 100 are still unaccounted for. Many people are without water, electricity and basic services. More than two million people were impacted and over 600,000 have been displaced. Makeshift shelters are being improvised in many locations to receive people who don’t know when or if they will be able to return to their homes.

The situation in the region right now is still very volatile, with unstable weather that may cause additional flooding or delay the return of people to their homes.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/19/climate/brazil-floods-social-problems-intl/index.html

A powerful Bible verse to offer hope to flood victims is Isaiah 43:2

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

This verse reassures flood victims that God is with them even in the midst of overwhelming circumstances. It promises His presence and protection, providing hope and strength to endure and overcome the challenges they face.


  1. Provision of Basic Needs: Pray that God will provide food, clean water, clothing, and other basic necessities for the flood victims living in temporary shelters.
  2. Health and Safety: Ask God to protect the health of those in shelters, keeping them safe from diseases and illnesses that can arise in such conditions.
  3. Emotional Strength and Comfort: Pray for the emotional well-being of the flood victims, that they may find comfort, strength, and peace in God during this difficult time.
  4. Restoration and Rebuilding: Ask God to provide resources and opportunities for the flood victims to rebuild their homes and restore their lives.
  5. Community Support: Pray for the local and global communities to come together to support the flood victims with aid, donations, and volunteer efforts.
  6. Resilience and Hope: Pray that the flood victims maintain resilience and hope, trusting that God has a plan for their future and that they will emerge from this stronger.
  7. Guidance for Relief Workers: Pray for wisdom, strength, and protection for the relief workers and volunteers who are aiding the flood victims, that they may effectively meet the needs of those affected.
  8. Government and Organizational Response: Ask God to guide and bless the efforts of governments and organizations working to provide relief and long-term solutions for flood victims.
  9. Spiritual Growth: Pray that through this adversity, flood victims will experience spiritual growth and draw closer to God, finding solace and strength in their faith.
  10. Long-Term Stability: Pray for the long-term stability and security of the flood victims, that they may find permanent housing and sustainable livelihoods as they rebuild their lives.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we pray for the flood victims of Southern Brazil. Lord, we ask for Your divine protection over those affected, providing them with shelter, food, clean water, and all their basic needs. Please guard their health and keep them safe from any diseases that might arise in these challenging conditions.

We pray for emotional strength and comfort, that they may find peace and hope in Your presence. Lord, guide the relief workers and volunteers, granting them wisdom and endurance as they serve tirelessly. May the local and global communities unite in support, offering aid and resources to help rebuild and restore lives.

Father, instill resilience and hope in the hearts of the flood victims, reminding them that You are with them in every moment of their suffering. May this adversity bring them closer to You, strengthening their faith and trust in Your perfect plan.

We pray for long-term stability and security for all those affected, that they may find permanent homes and sustainable livelihoods. Bless the efforts of the government and organizations working towards their relief and recovery.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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